Spoilers from the episode were flying around the Twitterverse last night. The screening room at Paley must have been lit up like a Christmas tree with iPhones and Blackberries before the audience was instructed to knock it off. Twitter went silent, which means Gleeks lived up to their reputation of being respectful and polite fans.
Lucky for me, some of WWEPW's readers attended the screening and paid attention to the most important element of the new episode - Emma's clothes. According to my sources (heh, I like saying "my sources" - it sounds all pro-fesh-un-ul), Emma wears this darling yellow number from Target:
Hailey Twistneck Dress by Merona Collection

It's out of stock but you might be able to find it on a clearance rack!

The twisted half-bow neckline is so unique - I'm sure if this appeared on screen, I'd remember it clearly, too!

Simple back.
Also, how long have I been pleading for more dresses on Emma? Forever! Forever since January 25! So glad to see this addition to her colorful wardrobe.
I won't reveal the scene in which this outfit appears, but Emma wears the dress with an ochre cardigan - perhaps the Jackie Cardigan in burnished olive ($62) or the Featherweight Cashmere Cardigan in spicy olive (on sale for $69.99), both by J.Crew. Yellow suede pumps finish off the look, but of course I would love every outfit to include green and yellow PMJs.
Thank you so much to my Paley Center peeps for being so kind to keep me in the loop when I couldn't be there myself! I'd buy you all a pair of PMJs if I could...
I just LIT-ER-ALLY tried on this dress yesterday. Mainly to laugh at myself in yellow..but also it is sooooooo adorable and very kind to the figure...and it was on clearance...any if St. Louis gals out there want it..try the Kirkwood Tar-jey..
It seems that the costume gods of glee have answered our prayers for both dresses and more affordable pieces!
Yay, Cheap Dresses! Cheap Dresses, hooray!
I'm. In. Love. <3 That dress is beyond darling...! Gah! I can't wait for more of Emma's clothes.
My kingdom for this dress in a size 2. I live in Los Angeles and the only sizes left on clearance racks are 8s and 12s.
That dress is ADORABLE. Yay Target!
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