The bright colors of these new Merona pieces caught my eye, and the whimsical swirly patterns seemed quirky enough for Emma, but may be a bit too contemporary for her style. (Obviously she wouldn't wear the skirt and cardigan together.)

Merona Collection Paige Cardigan Sweater - $29.99

Merona Collection Monica Pencil Skirt - $24.99
So what do you think? Emma-worthy or not?
I think the skirt MAYBE (but it seems a bit short for Emma) but idk about the cardi. I think you're right, it does seem a bit too contemporary for her. It doesn't scream "EMMA PILLSBURY" at me like so many items do.
Wearing the skirt and cardi together would be a recipe for sexy, no? :P
The cardi might be a little much but I can totally see her rocking out that skirt! Perhaps with an insane blouse! Im all for it
Hahahahahah Teresa! Recipe for sexy: 1 part swirly cardi, 1 part swirly skirt. Mix.
Eh, I'm on the fence. Like Teresa said, it doesn't scream Emma. But paired with the right items, I think she might be able to pull it off.
Emma's just so darn cute and sexy that she could totally pull off pairing the skirt and the cardi together :P
No way - too much happening at the same time and the colors don't match.
Emma can do better than this.
I don't really like either piece. She seems to like more simpler items. Also, that skirt is a bit too short for Emma's taste.
You know who i could see wearing the cardi and skirt together, complete with the cardigan buttoned wonky?
Brenda Castle. She's just got that kind of crazy happenin'.
YES! Brenda! You're brilliant!
i think we might need a Brenda fashion challenge - for all those pieces just a bit too crazy for Emma, but not twee enough for Rachel!
I think my computer might explode if i try and use polyvore at work, but i'll damn well try XD
That's funny. I can actually see her in the cardigan, but not the skirt. Ah, the human mind...
Brenda fashion challenge! This NEEDS to happen :P
Brenda challenge? I'm in.
And, I think Emma might rock the cardigan with a yellow skirt.. or maybe the skirt with the insane yellow blouse.. yes?
She MIGHT wear the cardigan. I can see it with other really conservative pieces.
Funny, first I thought it would be the cardigan, but when I saw the skirt I thought she'd wear it if it were longer...I'm sure she has a fantastic tailor who could make it work. Then again, she might not be ok with anyone else touching the clothes that are going to touch HER skin. I could see her having some decent sewing skills.
She would probably pull off the cardi with a nice sedate skirt, but I think there are definitely more Emma-esque items out there. Good question, though!!
I think she could rock the cardigan. Am I mad? (In a coma? Or back in time? heh) It kinda reminds me of the Anthropologie Clinging Blossoms cardi. Don't know why.
I think she could pull off the cardi but the skirt is too short for her... to be honest I don't think she's a very swirly type person, more bows and flowers and insane bows.
I think the print is just a little too big. Otherwise, I'd say the skirt if it was longer. I need to study Brenda's wardrobe more!
Russet JCrew skirt..armani bow blouse...favorite gold Mary janes. Absolutley. I would polyvore it if I weren't bedridden and had a laptop. Get on it Danielle!!
I actually have that skirt! :) I love the skirts and cardigans they are putting out lately!
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