Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Emma Pillsbury Style - Prom Rewind

Remember this?

What About Prom?

One year ago (almost to the day!) we held an Emma Pillsbury prom challenge to see what WWEPWers thought Emma would wear to her own prom, or to chaperone the WMHS prom.

Take a walk down memory lane before tonight's episode airs...

Emma Pillsbury at the Prom

I hope Emma's not mysteriously absent from prom, like she is from almost every other major event at WMHS. DON'T THEY KNOW THERE ARE DRESSES THAT NEED TO BE SEEN?

I'm thinking a Kate Spade dress to chaperone...any picks?


Barbee said...

No Emma! Sadface!!!

Danielle said...

I was so sad that she wasn't in the episode at all. Even if she wasn't at prom, we couldn't get a little peek of Emma?

I am hoping she's in the last two episodes, but I haven't seen any pics of her going to the funeral and she hasn't been mentioned as one of the chaperones on the NY trip anywhere.